Pediatric Chiropractic in Cranberry Twp
We Embrace the Love, Unpredictability, and Chaos of Life with Kids!
At Thrive Chiropractic we pride ourselves on not just being a kid-friendly practice, where children are tolerated, but a kid-focused one, where our little ones take the priority. While it certainly leads to more commotion and spontaneity at times, we wouldn’t have it any other way!
Dr. Andrew has had a passion for caring for kids since before starting chiropractic school and has pursued the top pediatric certifications and training programs available. He has been recognized as a PX Pro Cert Doc and holds a CACCP Pediatric Chiropractor certification from the ICPA. When it comes to taking care of children, anything besides the highest level of expertise is unacceptable.
When to Start Pediatric Chiropractic
Many ask us why we see children or when their child should undergo a neuro-tonal chiropractic examination. The birth process, no matter how natural or uneventful, is a stressful event for an infant. This is even more true when the birth involves use of the hands, forceps, or vacuum extraction to pull the child from the birth canal or if a C-section was performed. When a newborn has their first adjustment shortly after birth, the stress on their nervous system has had less time to take root, leading to less significant challenges that are easier to correct.
The important role that pregnancy and birth plays in the health of a newborn is one of the reasons we’re so passionate about prenatal chiropractic!

Starting With the Nervous System
When reading about the many issues that can be helped through pediatric chiropractic care, you might start to wonder how they are all connected. The underlying operating system of every function in our body is the autonomic nervous system.
Since this just sounds like a complicated name to gloss over, let’s simplify it into the 2 modes we can operate within: the calming brake pedal (parasympathetic) side and the stressful gas pedal (sympathetic) side.
Your brake pedal is responsible for promoting growth, development, rest, digestion, and immune system function, while your gas pedal is your “fight or flight” survival mode system that is only supposed to be used for emergencies.
Learn More
If you’re wondering if this stress in the nervous system may be affecting your child’s health, there’s only one way to find out! Schedule a consultation and advanced neurological scan so we can help answer any questions and explain what is involved in getting your child’s health back on track.