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Help Constipation Naturally, Without Miralax

It’s safe to say if you’re a parent whose child struggles with constipation, you’ve heard of Miralax.

While it is prescribed and used often, it is rarely parents’ 1st choice as it comes with quite a few documented side effects like behavior struggles, dependency, increased bloating, cramping, and gas…just to name a few.

The main ingredient in Miralax is designed to help the digestive tract hold more water to help the stool pass easier, as it’s softer. But this doesn’t address the root cause of the constipation which is most often signaling from the brain and movement from the smooth muscles in the digestive tract.

In this video Dr. Andrew talks about the real root causes of constipation, and gives us natural solutions to conquer this problem; leaving Miralax as a treatment of the past for your family!

P.S. want to learn more about Miralax? Head over to and click on the article Miralax Side Effects!

#constipation #miralax #poop #digestion #braingutconnection #gutbrainconnection #thrivechiropractic #naturalpoopremedies #naturalconstipationrelief

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