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“My child hasn’t pooped in a week!”       “They only go when taking Miralax every day…”

No parent wants to turn to medication, especially if they don’t have to. This is even more true when a baby, toddler, or child struggles with constipation and the body’s systems, like digestion, can’t stay regular!

If your child isn’t pooping as often as they should be or they’ve been prescribed Miralax, suppositories, prune juice, and other remedies… It’s time we stop masking the symptoms and start looking towards the root cause of why this is happening!

The good news is, after you watch this informative video from Dr. Andrew Rupp, you’ll finally have the answers you’ve been searching for and know exactly what to do next to help your child finally POOP on their own!



Constipation | (724) 799-2248